Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Top Five Facts about Online Lead Generation

Have you come across articles spewing promises of exceptional conversion with online lead generation techniques? Well, if you have tried any of those easy ways to convert visitors into leads, then you already know how tough the market can be. 

Here at the top 5 facts that you should understand and be prepared to learn in terms of generating leads online.

Fact #1: There Are No Easy Ways 
One of the best marketers at generating leads and converting them into loyal customers is WesleyYuhn of Tampa. He’s been in online sales and marketing as well as content creation for a long time--- and his success speaks to his proficiency. According to him, the majority of websites average a conversion rate of 2 -3.5% and the main reason is because most sites start pitching products instead of building interest, creating trust and then, trade these commodities for email leads. 
Fact #2: There Are No Guarantees 
Promises of guaranteed conversion rate increases are always false. Every business has its own peculiarities and needs meaning that your business has to use an approach that is appropriate for that industry, brand and targeted demographic. 
Fact #3: Content Is More than a King – It’s Your Only Power 
No matter how fantastic your content is – and content is the power of any website –unless it is valuable to those who can afford to buy your product or service, it is useless for online lead generation. 
That doesn’t mean that you should present dull or monotonous content that can be found anywhere with a simple search. You need to know who your potential customer is and what they are more likely to be interested in reading. 
Recently, a company called Media Oasis discussed lead generation for debt settlement services. In the discourse, it was pointed out that college students, unmarried males under 35 and teenagers are not the demographic for that type of service. 
In spite of that obvious statistic, an example website’s content illustrated their services chatting about charges for Xbox, buying rounds of drinks for the guys and using charge cards instead of cash for text books. The content was misdirected. 
Fact #4: Ask for Email Addresses at the End of an Article

If your visitors are not reading an entire article, what makes you think that they’ll want you to send them a newsletter or notice of sales? When people go to a site, they either are interested in the title of an article and think they may want to read it or they are looking for something and scan your site quickly to see if you have it. 
When an email sign-up form pops up and blocks the content that drew them to your site before they even get to read it - they leave - not give you their email. 
You haven’t earned the right to ask for their email address yet. 
Fact #5: Learn How to Do Email Marketing 
One of the most effective methods of marketing is email marketing. The reason that it is not on the top of marketing agents lists is because it is difficult to do and do well. But, once you learn how, your ROI will grow to that magic 28% in the first year and continue to grow every month after that.