Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How Do You Stimulate Diabetic Medical Supply Leads?

If you wanted to know how to properly shine shoes, you’d go ask a shoe shine man and if you want to know how to stimulate diabetic medical supply leads already generated into doing business with you, you’d go to someone that has success in the field.
That’s what we did.
We asked Wesley Yuhn & Media Oasis for fresh ideas to help sales people get in the door with diabetic medical supplies.
These are some of the more innovative ideas that Wesley Yuhn advanced:
  1. Wesley Yuhn – Start by thinking of your “potential” customer as Your Customer – assume that you are going to make him your customer before the conversation begins and speak to him as if he is already your customer. This removes the pressure for you to convince him and let’s both of you communicate honestly.
  2. Wesley Yuhn – Listen to what your customer is saying. It cannot be said often enough or loudly enough. Sales people have a tendency to talk too much and listen only to what they intend to say, missing in the process what the customer is saying completely.
  3. Wesley Yuhn – Solve your customers’ problems instead of trying to talk him/her into something that is unwanted. Selling is more about finding solutions than in shoving products or services down someone’s throat.
  4. Wesley Yuhn – Believe in your ability to connect with your customer in a respectful way rather than believing in a product that you think is overpriced or outmoded. You don’t need to believe in a product or service if it is not of high quality or cannot be afforded by the commoners. Some outmoded products are actually preferable for any number of reasons by some customers.
  5. Wesley Yuhn – If you hear your customer say something like “We’re thinking of switching to product x. What’s your price for it?” Instead of hearing “how much is it” focus on the “thinking of switching” part of his sentence and find out why he wants to switch first.
  • Wesley Yuhn – Clients do not switch products unless they are unhappy about something.
  • Wesley Yuhn – If you know what is wrong with the one they are being currently used, you need to find one that solves the problem and stays as close to the price as what they are purchasing now
  1. Wesley Yuhn – If your customer states that the problem is that he is not getting a high-enough kickback from the current sales person, thank him and hang up. You are in the business of making money for yourself and your company– not for giving it away. That type of customer is the most undesirable and at the first sign that you won’t give him a better discount, he’ll be on the phone to your boss spilling your guts all over the place.
  2. Wesley Yuhn – Discipline yourself to allotting a certain amount of time for each call you make to the customer – whether in person or on the phone. If you take more than 20 – 25 minutes, you are taking him/her away from their own business unnecessarily. If you spend less than 20 minutes, you are not providing enough time to develop a solid business relationship. Your focus should be on understanding their problems and then solving them to the best of your abilities.
Diabetic medical supply leads are just like any other leads that you need to follow up on and as long as you do them with the customer as the first priority, you’re conversion rate will grow.