Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Diabetic Prescription Vitamin Supplementsin Click2Call Marketing

Click2Call advertising mainly targets desktop users but if statistics is of any indication then its effectiveness is becoming prominent in the mobile marketplace as well. 
And, one of the most prominent products in the healthcare line is vitamin supplements. 
For starters, one has to question the ability to promote prescriptive vitamins vs natural supplements in a click2call setting as well as using an e-commerce website. 
Your Marketing Expert Dictates the Strategy

At the recent “Masters of Marketing” symposium in Florida, Wesley Yuhn of Tampa addressed the increasing specialization of marketers as new forms of advertising technology continue to flood the industry. 
What many industry leaders fail to understand is that no single marketer should be expected to know everything about the latest in advertising formats.” As a result, Mr. Yuhn observed that many marketers are increasingly deligating to their teams or outsourcing tasks to experts who have the necessary skills in using the latest methods. 
The main problem that was cited in the surveys that were presented at the conference indicated that even though the CMOs had the expertise in using the newest formats, they lacked the necessary data to be able to accurately target their industries demographic in the mobile environment.” 
The Point of Click2Call Advertising

There are two objective outcomes that point-and-click advertising targets.
  1. Sales conversion
  2. Sales lead
In marketing to the mobile environment, the demographics previously used become less reliable the closer that a company drills down to the specific consumer who is likely to click on the link that brings them to your website. It’s not that locating leads or gathering the determining factors is difficult but it does require that the correct metrics are up and running. 
Obviously, selling a prescription medication online comes with a host of peculiarities but once accomplished, the potential for higher sales using click2call advertising is enormous. Yet, finding the right marketing niche for diabetic prescription vitamin supplements using specific data can lead to very successful lead generation. 
For those enterprises that lack the knowledge to create their own specific metrics, purchasing leads from a professional service that has expertise in the industry or product may be the best solution. 
Statistics indicate that collecting your own data takes time and with the anticipation of a 63%upsurge in mobile click2call conversions for the holidays, time is not on your side. 
The Elusive Mobile Consumer 
Who is this elusive “mobile consumer” that behaves differently than the consumer who purchases using other modes? As a demographic group, they are action-oriented, eager to purchase customers who are perfectly comfortable making a snap decision when a product, company or response meets their needs.
  • They want an answer “right now”, not a call back “tomorrow”
  • They have already researched the competitive products and researched studies and reports about the product
  • They are their own “authority”
  • They rebuf the hard-sell tactics of the “get it now or it’s gone” techniques
  • They begin their searches with the intent of a purchase
According to iAcquire’s 2013 survey done in cooperation with Survey Monkey and using their audience, 70% of mobile searches result in conversion within an hour. That statistic alone makes it worthwhile to investigate click2call advertising now.